White News Anchor Keeps Job After Comparing Black Co-Anchor to a Gorilla: ‘He Kinda Looks Like You’
Friday, August 30, 2019
August 30, 2019
In the long list of things to never say to a black person, right before, “No, you can’t have more napkins” you’ll find comparing us to a primate right up there.
During a segment about a gorilla at the Oklahoma City Zoo, Housden, a white woman, was engaged in a light-hearted exchange with her black co-anchor, Jason Hackett, when shit went left.
“This is Fin. [...] He’s a resident at the Oklahoma City Zoo and this week the zoo’s ape caretaker took over their Instagram and we are all loving that they did,” Housden told the audience at home. “Now as you can see, Fin was fascinated by the camera.”
“Definitely ready for his close up,” Hackett replied, as Fin stared into the camera.
“He kinda looks like you,” Housden joked. What followed was Hackett’s laughter.
Visit www.theroot.com to watch full video.
Categories: Media