Some ‘Splaining to do re St. Pete’s Black Vote 2020; 10 Facts that Say Dems Unprepared for the Next Big Election

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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Published November 23, 2020 by The Burg Votes

African Americans in Pinellas County turned in their highest vote count ever in the 2020 Presidential Election, contributing mightily to one of the few Joe Biden victories in all of Florida, a state Trump won. Yet, black voting patterns changed dramatically in St. Petersburg, which is home to over 60% of Pinellas County’s African American population. And not for the better.

Though black St. Petersburg scored its second-best vote count ever this November, don’t let that masquerade an otherwise perplexing showing from a community famous for its election cycle sizzle.

In point of fact, black St. Petersburg just had its weakest turnout in a presidential contest, in the 21st century.

This year’s results stand in stark contrast to the 30 years of nearly uninterrupted political gains by African Americans in St. Pete since the famous 1993 mayoral contest between then Mayor David Fischer and ousted police chief Ernest Curtsinger, who was fired the year before by then City Administrator Don McRae (a black man), for racism on the job.

That was the first time the black vote roared in St. Petersburg. And it’s picked up speed ever since. Prior to 2016, African Americans in St. Pete had increased their vote count and turnout rate in 10 of the 11 general election cycles, from 2004 onward.

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