A guide to working remotely by locals who do it daily

Remote amyhammond

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Published March 17, 2020 by 83Degreesmedia

After 11 years of living locally while operating remotely in a virtual world, the 83 Degrees team and many of our friends, especially those working in tech and online media, are experienced at making it successful. Here are our top tips for first-time remote workers to consider while we all keep our distance and await the outcome of #COVID19.

Michael La Plante

I am a principal engineer / Front-End Development Manager at Proforma. In my job, my duties consist of developing software applications and managing a team of 20+ individuals. I have been working in the position for 1.5 years, and working remotely for a total of 7+ years.

Three important tips when diving into remote work:

  1. Keep your routine, get up at the same time, shower, get dressed, act like you are still going into an office. A routine is key.
  2. Set yourself up with a dedicated space during this time, whether that be a spare bedroom or a kitchen table. Try to not go near that space outside of working hours. You will tend to blur the lines and want to work odd hours, but do your best to guard against it since you are home all the time.
  3. Over Communicate. Not being in an office eliminates the "water cooler'' talk so you get down to your work. Make sure you are making active contributions to your business, and overly communicating with your team when you are stepping away for lunch or to take care of other family members. The more you leave your teammates in the dark, the more they question what you may be doing.

Visit www.83degreesmedia.com to read more tips.
